Immunity Boosting Drink (Kadha) – Fight Back Covid-19

Here, I’m going to share a great Immunity Boosting Drink (kadha) recipe with you all which not only taste good but also great for boosting your immune system.

In this pandemic of Covid-19, we all are trying our best to keep our family as well as us safe. From social distancing to wearing mask and washing hands time to time, we all are trying to follow all the safety measurements.


However, the whole world is also trying to find some solution for this.

Meanwhile they are struggling to find something to stop this virus, somehow we all need to get ready and fight on our own to keep us and our loved ones safe.

This kadha is a great blend of so many powerful herbs.

Immunity Boosting Drink (kadha)

So, let’s get straight to the recipe :

Ingredient :

  • 1 glass of Water
  • Ginger (grated)- 1/2 inch
  • Ajwain ( carom seeds ) – 2-3 pinch
  • Kaccha Haldi ( Raw Turmeric ) (grated)- 1/2 inch
  • Black Pepper ( kali mirch ) – 2-3 pinch
  • Green cardamom (Chotti Elaychi) – 4 – 5 seeds ( crushed )
  • Black cardamom (Badi Elaychi) – 3 – 4 seeds ( crushed )
  • Dalchini ( Cinnamon ) powder – 1 – 2 pinch
  • Tej patta ( Bay leaves ) – 1 piece ( cutted into small pieces )
  • Tulsi leaves ( Holy Basil ) – 5-6 piece (crushed)
  • Laung ( Clove ) – 2 piece ( crushed )
  • Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
  • Black Salt – 1/4 teaspoon or as per taste
  • Honey / Sugar ( According to preference )
Herbal Tea

Process :

  1. Firstly, place a bowl of water to heat.
  2. Secondly, start crushing Ginger, Turmeric, Cardamoms ( Both Green & Black ), Cloves, Cinnamon, Holy Basil and Black Pepper in Mortar.
  3. Add these crushed ingredients with Carom Seeds and cutted Bay leaves into the water.
  4. Add Black Salt into it.
  5. Place a lid to cover the Pan. Let it boil until the water reduce to half of its quantity.
  6. When the water remains half, turn of the heat.
  7. Strain it into a cup.
  8. Now add the lemon juice and honey or sugar, whatever you prefer into it. ( Normally, I prefer honey over sugar, as honey is a healthy option of refined sugar ( which is actually not healthy at all ), as well as honey it self is a great immunity booster.
  9. Mix these all together.
  10. So, here’s your The Great Immunity Boosting Drink (Kadha) ready to have.
Immunity Boosting Drink (Kadha) Recipe

As previously I have said, this kadha is a great mix of lots of Immunity Boosting Ingredients. You can have it whenever you like. Mostly, I prefer to have it in my evenings.

Hope you all like this recipe.

Do give it a try and let me know, what you think about this recipe.

You can also check our another post on Immunity Boosting Foods here :

Till Than, Spread Love & Kindness

Kadha Recipe

Happy Health ๐Ÿ™‚

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3 thoughts on “Immunity Boosting Drink (Kadha) – Fight Back Covid-19”

  1. Pingback: Giloy - Immunity Booster, fights Covid-19 & Many More - Toss The Life

    1. Aw.. thank you so much. I hope this could be a great help for you. ๐Ÿค—
      Do share this recipe with your loved ones and keep visiting ๐Ÿ’™

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